Monday 28 September 2009

Guest Post on Ill Seen, Ill Said {Where We Blog From}

I can't say I am going to be fully back to blogging this week as my mom is coming in town, and I know we will be busy, but I wanted to pop in today to let you know that I'm sharing a glimpse at the space from where I blog over on Ill Seen, Ill Said today, as part of Jane's "Where We Blog From" series.

I was extremely flattered when Jane asked me to take part in her series, not only because I adore her blog, but because I loved the idea of the series. I always enjoy getting a glimpse at the "person behind the blog," and I thought it would be interesting to see the variety of places from where people chose to blog, as well as to read what they had to say about their spaces. The series certainly has not disappointed, and if you haven't been following it, you should take a look at the spaces the other bloggers have shared.

Also, if you don't read Ill Seen, Ill Said already, be sure to spend some time perusing the archives of this blog since it's one that stands out from the crowd. Whether Jane is sharing favorite poems, books, writers, photography, interiors or fashion, her taste and selections are always impeccable, and the openness and honesty with which she writes are what immediately endeared her to me.

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