Wednesday 15 October 2008

Let the Work Not End Today

I have been truly inspired by all of the posts I read today for Blog Action Day. There have been so many amazing stories and organizations shared by bloggers around the world.

*Pia, who made me aware of this day, posted about poverty here and here, and she also posted links to a number of other posts, which you should definitely check out.

In addition to the links posted by Pia, below are some of the other bloggers who posted on poverty today.

*Oliveaux is donating two dollars to the Nakuru Baby Orphanage in Kenya for every comment left on her post about Blog Action Day.

*Kimberlee of Brown Button and Emma of White & Wander are also donating two dollars for every comment left on their Blog Action Day posts here and here. Kim's money will be going to World Vision and Emma's to Hesperian Foundation.

*Deborah shared memories of her first encounters with extreme poverty in India on Your Destiny is Stone Golden, and she challenged everyone to think what they could do without in order to help others in need.

*Kouji Haiku wrote haikus about the poverty in his homeland of the Philippines, and he also offered a number of easy ways to help fight poverty including Free Rice (a rather addictive website!), Goodsearch and Kiva.

*Miscellany of Me has two very informative posts here and here both offering easy ways to help fight poverty.

And let us remember to not let the work end today!

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